swap plastic


refill station

Zero Hero Co-Op main focus, is to aid you in reducing waste, and swapping out single use plastics.

Our goal is to see how our store and neighborhood kiosks can benefit the most people, not turn the most profit.

As a result, we serve the needs of  local seattle waste reduction initiative.

As we expand throughout the West Coast Region and into national communities; Our quality products and customer experience is the reason why reducing waste is easy and affordable without losing the essential high quality of goods.

ZERO HERO - swap plastic 


Most refill stations that we have visited are either in swanky neighborhoods with artisan goods made in small batches with waste free or refillable containers. The prices are high and the stores are not inviting and you have to figure out what the heck to do to get service or fumble around until you see someone get the product you want so you can follow suit.  Or they are in a farmers market settings with local goods, and high customer effort. We want the customer journey to be effortless, personalized, tailored subscriptions, and aid in the waste free mission without breaking the bank. 


The Customer Journey is our most valued aspect. We want to make the switch to a waste free lifestyle easy. 


We aim to curate items that you need, want, and desire to have in a waste free lifestyle. 


Our health & wellness goods can be tailored to your needs, along with out daily beauty goods. 

Waste Free

Waste no time, money, or plastic. Deliveries or Quick Pick-Up Service available at the touch of your finger.